Happy International Women's Day 2023
As we continue to break gender barriers and work toward an equal environment, I want to take the time to celebrate some of the wonderful accomplishments this past year made by women in honor of International Women’s Day.
Canva, a graphic design application, was started by a woman named Melanie Perkins and is now a tool that many of us use often. Her idea was rejected by over 100 venture capitalists and shut down several times. Her persistence led to Canva being one of the fastest-growing startups with a revenue of $26 billion. In 2022, she made the Women's CEOs Cloud 100 list and is continuing to make huge strides toward her own and Canva’s success.
Bringing it closer to home, Mary Barra, CEO of GM, was recently inducted into the automotive hall of fame. She was the first woman CEO within the automotive industry and has tremendously disrupted the industry whether it was leading GM to be one of the only two global businesses with no gender pay gap or investing billions in electrical vehicles. She was ranked fourth on the Forbes’ Most Powerful Women list and has already started making great advancements in 2023.
Lastly you. In a field heavily dominated by a male presence, standing your ground and feeling comfortable is extremely difficult, yet you are doing it amazingly. The work you have done thus far is recognized and we know that there is a lot more to come. As you continue through the highs and lows of your career, you have a huge community supporting everything you do.
Take the time to appreciate all the women in your life, but most importantly, yourself. Happy international women’s day to you!
Also, here are some really cute ads companies have put out this year that you can enjoy!
Gargi Ramekar